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Gone are the days

Gone are the days!!!

When The school reopened in June, And we settled in our new desks and benches!
When we queued up in book depot, And got our new books and notes!
When we wanted two Sundays and no Mondays,
Yet managed to line up daily for the morning prayers.

We learnt writing with slates and pencils, and Progressed To fountain pens and ball pens and then Micro tips!
When we began drawing with crayons and evolved to Color pencils and finally sketch pens! When we started calculating first with tables and then with Clarke's tables and advanced to Calculators and computers!

When we chased one another in the corridors in Intervals, and returned to the classrooms Drenched in sweat!
When we had lunch in classrooms, corridors, Playgrounds, under the trees and even in cycle sheds!
When all the colors in the world, Decorated the campus on the Second Saturdays!
When a single P.T. period in the week's Time Table, Was awaited more eagerly than the monsoons!

When cricket was played with writing pads as bats, And Neckties and socks rolled into balls! When few played "kabadi" and "Kho-Kho" in scorching sun, While others simply played "book cricket" in the Confines of classroom!Of fights but no conspiracies, Of Competitions but seldom jealousy!
When we used towatch Live Cricket telecast, In the opposite house in Intervals and Lunch breaks! When few rushed at 3:45 to "Conquer" window seats in our School bus! While few others had "Big Fun", "peppermint", "kulfi", " milk ice !" and "sharbat !" at 4o Clock!

Gone are the days Of Sports Day, and the annual School Day , And the one-month long preparations for them.

Gone are the days Of the stressful Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Exams, And the most enjoyed holidays after them! Gone are the days Of tenth and twelfth standards, when We Spent almost the whole year writing revision tests!
We learnt,
We enjoyed,
We played,
We won,
We lost,
We laughed,
We cried,
We fought,
We thought.

With so much fun in them, so many friends, So much experience, all this and more!

Gone are the days When we usedto talk for hours with our friends! Now we don't have time to say a 'Hi' !
Gone are the days When we played games on the road! Now we Code on the road with laptop! Gone are the days When we saw stars Shining at Night! Now we see stars when our code doesn't Work!
Gone are the days When we sat to chat with Friends on grounds! Now we chat in chat rooms.....!
Gone are the days Where we studied just to pass! Now we study to save our job!
Gone are the days Where we had no money in our pockets and still fun filled on our hearts!! Now we have the atm as well as credit card but with an empty heart!!
Gone are the days Where we shouted on the road! Now we don't shout even at home
Gone are the days Where we got lectures from all! Now we give lectures to all... like the one I'm doing now....!!
Gone are the days But not the memories, which will be Lingering in our hearts for ever and ever and Ever and ever and ever .....
Gone are the Days…. But still there are lot more Days to come in our Life!!



Paras said…
hi.. liked ur blog and the thoughts that went into it.. "intelligent conversation" tats interesting!
Angshuman said…
just came across your blog suddenly...good job u write well keep it up do visit my blog and let me know how u like it...
Angshuman said…
just came across your blog suddenly...good job u write well keep it up do visit my blog and let me know how u like it...
Amrisha said…
Thanks for the comments.....
Reflections said…
was surfing randomly when i came across ur blog. it really brot back memories, infact ur memories r so similar to mine tht i half-thot u must b a classmate of mine :-P.
tek care
Amrisha said…
Ok reflectons i belive u wanna be anonymous .... and so u are not ahving ur own blog spae i presume and no links to reach out to u either ...

Thanks for teh comments anyways

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