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This weekend I got this grt opportunity to visit Delhi for a family gathering..

Hey do not worry ... This blog wont have the experience for the family gathering..(That i m sure wont bring any curiosity in ur minds).. Here i m discussing about the Air travel in India.. In a decade and a half, there has been economic revolution in our country ... The middle class for whom air travel was a dream years back can easily afford this now .. it saves time and that is important these days .. for most of us carry laptops so tat we can work from home... But we Indians lack basic sense of responsibility ....

Noveo riche in India who are getting opportunity for Air- Travel lack the sense of responsibility that should come with the money-power... There was this gentleman in the air-craft where the air-hostess patience was tested.. This gentleman- lets call him Mr Bond ... just cos he was bonded with his mobile .... and even after take-off he was discussing something so ardently that he was kinda ignoring the air-hostess plead... I believe these guys shud be Punished....(Any punishments for them)....For they are playing around with more than 500 lives...

then At the new Delhi airport, while I was returning to Bangalore, the flight was delayed by >2 hours and finally wen we were about to board, half the ppl, were strolling leisurely here and there and were not even courteous enough to board early..

I hope We Indians realize the importance of time management as we can now say.."Time managed is Money managed"


Samba said…
There is nothing wrong with Indians unless we are inclined to find something wrong. We can find wrongs in every culture. For instance, I find the American diplomacy hypocritical.

Using cellphones on board is a matter of how busy you are. IT's not about how cultureless you are. Think about it, if you are involved in a million dollar deal, won't you use your cellphone on board?
Amrisha said…
Hello, this is amrisha and I appreciate that u did coment on my blog.. Time managed is money managed...But as far as the cell phones use on oard is concerned .. this guy may b a billionaire and a deal at go but that doesnt allow him to risk our lives.... thanks again

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