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A Vicious Circle of Life ..

The association of me with my mom has seen levels: Commensalism, Predator-Prey and Symbiotic..

While the early days of our association was more like Predator-Prey where we would exchange our shoes... It turned to commensalism finally ending in Symbiosis...In the initial days that I can remember my mom would want me to be the best child: well mannered, well dressed and active...I would perform in socials n cultural fest..and that would make her happy.. later in my teens till recently I would always think that my mom n I were never meant to understand each other n would easily transfer the blame to the different zodiacs we shared....n now i think how foolish i cud be.. Things changed dramatically when I myself bacame a mom(Aarna being my daughter)... With this stage, all the things that irked me initially, became justified...

Though there were several stages in our relationship, the one thing that ran common was the LOVE and BOND we shared...And that I cherish ...

With marriage I was showered the LOVE of my mom-in law who has been understanding and caring!!

LOVE U Both..


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